is de genealogische pagina voor de familienamen vanderfeesten en van der feest. Het maakt gebruik van een genealogisch systeem dat ontworpen is als plugin voor het content management systeem e107. u kunt beide genealogieën bekijken en aanverwante informatie vinden in de verschillende onderdelen van het hoofdmenu.
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[ Total Documents : 103 ]
can i help out in the Genealogy Project
Sure, if you would like to help out in any way possible, that would be most welcome. You can contact me if you have some new ideas you would like to see in the next release of the Genealogy Project, or if you have some coding knowledge, please submit any improvements you think are appropriate. I cannot garantee all ideas or code will be implemented, but if it's good it will surely fit in!
The site already has some features present which you could use to actively help out:

you're currently viewing the docs area. The doc area provides a manual for all areas of the Genealogy Project. If you feel the need to clarify on a certain page, please post your comment on that page.

In the bugtracker you can submit any problems and bugs you've encoutered while using the Genealogy Project.

In the ideas area you can submit any features you would like to see implemented in future releases of the Genealogy Project.

The sites area shows you websites that use the Genealogy Project. You can submit your own website if you're using the Genealogy Project.

The forums provide a quick way to post your remarks and question about the Genelaogy Project. We try to reply on all forum posts as soon as we can. If you are able to help other users understand more about the Genealogy Project, we strongly encourage you to reply on posts if you have something to say about it.
how much does it costcan i be a translator
this document was last updated Tuesday 17 March 2009 - 12:58:28, has been viewed 4417 times, of which 2112 unique

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