is de genealogische pagina voor de familienamen vanderfeesten en van der feest. Het maakt gebruik van een genealogisch systeem dat ontworpen is als plugin voor het content management systeem e107. u kunt beide genealogieën bekijken en aanverwante informatie vinden in de verschillende onderdelen van het hoofdmenu.
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The options under the general section allow you to set some generic options.

this genealogy is restricted to ...
With this option you can set who should be able to see your genealogy. You can choose an existing userclass, or allow everyone, only members etc to be able to see this genealogy.

The frontpage option allows you to specify a certain page in your genealogy to which the user will be redirected once they select your genealogy from the 'select genealogy' page in the frontend area under options. You can use the e107 specified variables to provide a page. For instance, if you want the system to go to the indi select page you should fill in the frontpage option as follows: { e_PLUGIN }genealogy/genealogy.php?gen.X.2 (where X is your genealogy id, the spaces within the braces are for displaying purposes only).

The theme options allows you to specify which theme should be used to view the Genealogy Project in. On installating of the Genealogy Project only the 'default' theme is present, and will be pre selected. You are able to add other themes to the Genealogy Project.

Creating a new theme for the Genealogy Project:
On your webserver you will see the following folder in your genealogy install location : 'e107_plugins/genealogy/templates/'. Within that folder you will see the 'default' theme folder already present. If you copy that entire folder and rename it into to own defined name you can edit the template files in it. So for instance, if you would like to create a theme called 'light', then you will need to copy the 'default' folder, rename it into 'light'. The 'e107_plugins/genealogy/templates/' folder will then have two subfolders, one called 'default' and one called 'light'. Now you have created a new theme folder, which you can select in the above 'theme' options in the admin area. Of course you still need to edit all the theme files in the 'light' folder to actually create a different look and feel. The 'genealogy_styles.php' file is the actual css file. The other files are the actual templates for the different areas of the Genealogy Project.

show initials after how many firstnames ?
With the initials options you can specify if firstnames should be turned into initials after a certain number of firstnames. You can also choose 'all firstnames' to show the full firstnames without initialising any of the firstnames. For instance if you full firstname (including baptised names) is Eric John William (and your last name is Carter). Having the 'all firstnames' option will show all of the three firstnames on the genealogy pages. Setting the options to '1' will show Eric J.P. Carter, setting the option to '2' will show Eric John W. Carter, etc.

show how many records by page (indi and fam) ?
This options allows you to set how many records should be displayed in the different listing pages. The defined amount of records will be shown, and 'go to page' links will be shown to see following records of the list.

show residential information ?
Define if residential information should be visible or not.

residential information restricted to ...
With this option you can set who should be able to residential information in your genealogy. You can choose an existing userclass, or allow everyone, only members etc to be able to see this genealogy. This option will only have effect if the above 'show residential information' option is enabled.

show information of living people ?
Define if residential information should be visible or not.

Select which users can view information on living people
With this option you can set who should be able to see information of living people in your genealogy. You can choose an existing userclass, or allow everyone, only members etc to be able to see this genealogy. This option will only have effect if the above 'show information of living people' option is enabled.
this document was last updated Wednesday 22 February 2006 - 09:45:29, has been viewed 4838 times, of which 2252 unique

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