is de genealogische pagina voor de familienamen vanderfeesten en van der feest. Het maakt gebruik van een genealogisch systeem dat ontworpen is als plugin voor het content management systeem e107. u kunt beide genealogieën bekijken en aanverwante informatie vinden in de verschillende onderdelen van het hoofdmenu.
2006.02.20 Update to version 0.1.2 comments: 0
A new version of The Genealogy Project has been released; version 0.1.2
We strongly recommend updating the Genealogy Project to this current version ! Besides a number of bugfixes, a database problem which resulted in duplicate records has been fixed. Further, the admin area of the Genealogy Project has been completely redesigned and now has an added 'status' menu.
If you're running v0.1.1 you can download the update from v0.1.1 to v0.1.2 package, if you haven't yet installed the Genealogy Project, you can simply download the v0.1.2 package. All packages are available from the download area.
Also the Dutch language pack no longer is present in the core package. Instead it has been added seperately to the download list. All language packages are available from this download area.
p.s. in case you haven't yet submitted your site (using the Genealogy Project) to our sites collection, please signup/login and submit your site ! We are all curious to see your genealogy !

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