is de genealogische pagina voor de familienamen vanderfeesten en van der feest. Het maakt gebruik van een genealogisch systeem dat ontworpen is als plugin voor het content management systeem e107. u kunt beide genealogieën bekijken en aanverwante informatie vinden in de verschillende onderdelen van het hoofdmenu.
Document Sections
[ Total Documents : 103 ]
The options under the tree section give you control over the different tree pages in the frontend area. Some of these options are exclusive for the fan chart, while others are more generic in all tree views. Some of the options with checkboxes can also be set by the user on the different tree pages. For these, the admin options allow you to define the default settings for these elements.

Each colored element (a block of an individual) has a nice looking popup element attached to it. By clicking with your left mouse button on a certain colored element, the popup element will be displayed. Included in that element are some basic information about the individual, like firstname and surname, bithdate and deathdate if present, and also different links to other pages for that individual are listed. You can click on these links to go to the specific page.

show the amount of children ?
if enabled, the popup element will contain the number of children present for a given family.

show partner for each existing relation ?
if enabled it will show the partner of each individual in the different tree pages.

show if no partner is present ?
if an individual has no partner, you can still render a 'no partner' field.

show birtdates ?
if enabled, the colored blocks for each individual also displays the birthdate if it's present.

show a link to the indi record ?
define if the popup element should contain a link to the individuals' page.

show a link to the family record ?
define if the popup element should contain a link to the family page.

show a link to the tree for each male ?
define if the popup element should contain links to the different tree view pages.

how many generations should be displayed ?
With the 'generations' option you can define how many generations will be displayed by default. The user who views a tree page can also set this manually. This just provides the default number of generations that will be displayed.

define fan chart style
The 'fan chart style' option allows you to define the default style for the fan chart. You can choose to show a full circle (4/4), a half circle (1/2) or a three quarter circle (3/4).

display indi name on fanchart
Choose if the individuals' name should be displayed on the fan chart by default.

define fan chart size
The size of the fan chart is defined in percentages. The default value of '100' usually provides a good starting point.
this document was last updated Wednesday 22 February 2006 - 10:43:45, has been viewed 4968 times, of which 2368 unique

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